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How to decorate your home with candles

Aside from making a room smell wonderful, candles can also serve as attractive decorative pieces throughout the home. With so many different scents, holders, and sizes available, decorating with candles is virtually limitless. Here are some ideas for decorating with candles in every room of your home.

Scented Candles for the Kitchen

  • Lemon, orange, or any citrus fruit
  • Other spices, such as cinnamon
  • Candles with food scents, such as fresh cookies and pie

How to Decorate a Kitchen with Candles

When it comes to kitchen candles, it's best to match your color scheme and room decor style. For example, if you have a rustic-style kitchen, place candles inside lanterns on the table or on the kitchen island.

Match the colors in your kitchen with the color of your candles. If you have a small counter space, scatter smaller candles throughout. You can still use fresh scents in your kitchen without taking up too much space.

In your kitchen, you could even install a hanging candle light fixture. This can be hung above your kitchen table or island to brighten the space.

Scented Candles for the Dining Room

  • Neutral Cents

How to decorate a Dining Room with Candles

Candles, whether in an elegant or casual dining room, can make the table feel more welcoming and complete. Neutral scent candles are ideal for a dining table because you don't want random scents swirling around while you and your guests eat.

Opt for taller candles or tall candle holders among some greenery for a fancier and classier look. You can also use a tray or a long skinny box to incorporate the candles into a large centerpiece.

Choose shorter candles for a more casual dining table. These can also be incorporated into a centerpiece without looking too fancy or out of place.

Scented Candles for the Bedroom

  • Lavender \sEucalyptus \sVanilla
  • Or your favorite fragrance

How to Decorate a Bedroom with Candles

While burning candles in your bedroom requires more caution, it can still be a nice and relaxing way to end your day or a nice complement to spending some time on the weekends curling up with a good book.

Place several candles on top of a decorative plate or in a shallow bowl on your bedside table. These candles can all be the same size, or you can experiment with a variety of sizes to create a more interesting look. However, avoid combining too many different scents.

Candles can also be placed on top of your dresser. Place a couple of candles on top of a mirrored tray with your other accessories. That way, the candles will blend in more naturally while still providing the desired scents. Discover other ways to incorporate candles with other accents by learning how to decorate your dresser.

Scented Candles for the Bathroom

  • Citrus \sCucumber \sLinen

How to Decorate a Bathroom with Candles

Candles in the bathroom can make it feel and look like a spa, and they can help you relax even more while taking a bath. Candles can also provide a fresh and clean scent to the bathroom.

To create a spa-like atmosphere, scatter candles of various sizes around the bathtub or on top of a bath tray. Place scented candles on the counter near the sink for a more casual look.

If you want to create more serenity, use white candles, or use colored candles to brighten up a neutral-colored room. If you want the candles to blend in more, try to match them to your shower curtain, rug, and other bathroom decor as closely as possible.

I hope we could give you some inspiration on how to decorate your home with candles. Feel free to explore our collection of unique, handmade candles.

Treat yourself like the queen you are and choose a candle to create your vibe and soothe your senses.
